Forming Asset Intelligence Portfolio Management

01.01.20 04:57 PM - Comment(s) - By Ibbo

Asset Intelligence Portfolio Management (AIPM) is a discretionary fund manager that builds and manages discretionary investment portfolios for IFA firms. Founded in 2019, AIPM represents the first working example of the value offered through the formation of the Superbia Group. 
With both FH and other clients of AIR displaying a desire to implement a discretionary solution, work commenced on forming a new company and building the proposition. Utilising employees of both FH and AIR, and by bringing in external directors, AIPM was formed to offer a proposition designed by financial advisers, powered by investment experts and delivered for end clients. 
And whilst AIPM utilises employees from both FH and AIR, and builds on the foundations from within the group, it operates as a completely standalone company, offering a distinct proposition to the external market. 
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